SD-WAN Technology: Challenge or Opportunity?

SD-WAN Technology: Challenge or Opportunity?


2 min read

In recent years, global SD-WAN technology has experienced rapid growth. As it gains prominence in enterprise wide-area network (WAN) applications, concerns have arisen among some individuals about its potential impact. A portion of operations personnel is hesitant or even resistant to the upgrade and deployment of global SD-WAN. Why does this phenomenon occur? There are several possible reasons:

1. High Learning Costs of Global SD-WAN?

Concerns about the threat of unemployment posed by new technology, coupled with the fear of the unknown, have led some network engineers to avoid or resist adopting global SD-WAN. However, in reality, understanding global SD-WAN reveals that this new technology not only requires a low learning curve but also enhances the efficiency of operations personnel and their problem-solving capabilities.

Global SD-WAN provides a fully visualized management platform, allowing operations personnel to quickly detect abnormal traffic and overall traffic trends. Additionally, it offers features such as anomaly alerts and fault localization, significantly reducing traditional troubleshooting time.

2. Unknown Cost-Effectiveness of Global SD-WAN?

While some enterprises are satisfied with their existing networks, which operate smoothly and are secure, compared to MPLS, global SD-WAN not only boasts a low cost but is also more flexible in various aspects.

Global SD-WAN offers several advantages: quick deployment within a few hours; flexible payment models based on devices or links; the ability to change plans at any time; no need to alter the existing network structure; and convenient network migration with a one-click connection to the new network.

3. Is Global SD-WAN Less Secure than Traditional Networks?

As the frequency of network attacks on Chinese enterprises increases, concerns about network security have become paramount. In reality, global SD-WAN not only retains traditional firewalls but also provides multiple layers of security protection.

Serving as an encrypted transmission tunnel, global SD-WAN utilizes the national commercial encryption algorithm, known as the " SM algorithm ", independently developed by the country. It also supports the customized development of commercial keys, enhancing the security protection level for enterprises.

Yet, as the analysis above demonstrates, the era of global SD-WAN has already begun — an era full of opportunities. Faced with the inadequacy of traditional wide-area network connections to meet the current broadband business needs of enterprises, an increasing number of financial institutions and retail enterprises are turning to global SD-WAN technology. Welcome to contact Ogcloud for more information!

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